Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter marathon

Jennifer and my step-daughter Becca went to church with the in-laws while I went out for a bike ride. I planned this about a week ago, wanting the symbolic 26.2 mile bike ride before my surgery. I bought a low-end but all carbon Trek Madone 4.5 last year and it was a near-religious experience after riding my 30 y.o. Ross steel steed. Still haven't named it yet, guess The Bike has decided I am not yet worthy to whisper it in my ear. I will name it "Rambler" if it doesn't inspire me soon.

I was still recovering from my April '08 foot surgery when I bought the bike to get outside and some semblance of a workout again . It was very hard to pedal with the right foot and I could only go maybe 15 mph mostly under the power of my left leg. I remember the first time I cracked 20 and hit a high of nearly 30 a couple of weeks ago with a stiff tailwind.

I can't say I love biking like running, but I certainly understand the appeal. I have to ride in my running shoes on plain pedals, no clips or cages, so pedaling fast is a bit tricky. Amy Palmiero-Winters has a cool bike prosthesis, which ends in a cleat, not a fake foot. Not sure I'll ever be that serious but it looks great to me. I should say I don't care for having a cosmetic leg at all, give me a great industrial design that does the job, hey, I gotta be me.

Half day at work tomorrow, then off to buy a few last minute items before getting the race face on. I mentioned to Jennifer that when I think about the surgery now it's like pre-race jitters, you just want the gun to sound so you can get going. But you also question what the hell you are doing, and why, exactly, are you doing it.

Crossing the finish line is the answer.

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