Saturday, November 28, 2009

Holiday Ad

(I thought of this while on my easy 2 mile run this morning.)

Scene One: Car filled with cheerful holiday shoppers. It is late in the evening and there is a blowing snow outside. Someone belches. Diets are mentioned with laughter. All are overweight. It's a tight fit.

Scene Two: You hear step pat step pat step pat from outside and deep, labored breathing. The screen turns white from oncoming headlights.

Scene Three: Someone in the car says: "Will you look at that." All faces in the car turn and all grow silent as they pass the amputee runner.

Scene Four: Sound and light of the car disappears, you only hear the quiet step pat step pat step pat....

Scene Five: The driver of the car getting dressed next morning and going for a walk. "I have no more excuses."

What's your excuse?

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