Monday, July 6, 2009

It was a good day, a very good day indeed.

I have a Freedom Innovations Renegade LP foot although you can see little of it in the pic.
I am a bit numb right now...I have been waiting for this day for nearly 12 weeks from amputation, even longer from when I first thought about it 2007. It is emotional overload or shock; it just hasn't fully hit me yet.

I have my first prosthetic foot.

I met Larry Wiley, Ricky Miller, and a young woman whose name I cannot recall (sorry!) around 10 am. The Renegade LP foot had just come in this morning, so I would be able to avoid the dreaded - or so I gathered from the various unholy sounds I heard some amps make at the last seminar - SACH foot.

Larry was given my Nike Vomero running shoe to add to my prosthesis. During this time we other three had a good conversation about the life of the amputee. Ricky is a fount of practical knowledge about all things prosthesis, being an amputee as well as a technician. He lost his foot as the result of an unfortunate accident on a barge that tossed him into a river. Ricky's stump is rather short as he developed an infection that resulted in his once long residual limb shortened by numerous revision surgeries.

Larry brought my new foot in and we spent some time walking and adjusting...walking being me with one hand on the rail while trying to process instructions about what I needed to adjust. Later Larry had me walk in the hallway while I tried to maintain a constant speed and an even gait. All this while having a bit of discomfort with the newness of the prosthesis...but as I walked occasionally I would take a couple of good steps. This is going to take some time but I am ready to have a goal I can sink my teeth...and stump in!

On the way home from Floyd Brace for lunch, I saw an eagle perched high in a dead pine, his head swiveled toward the road, likely looking for a quick meal. I have seen eagles at different times, and I consider them a sign of good luck, if not good fortune. I'll take his glance as an affirmation of both.

Later as I left work I saw a rainbow, with an end on the road ahead. I think the pot of gold is at hand.

I am going to fly again.


  1. this made me cry. :-) I'm so so happy for you Richard! can't wait to see some video of you walking around in that bad boy! PS, I have the same shoes. I think that is also a sign of good luck. I'm almost sure of it.

  2. And that caused my "allergies" to flare up too. :`-) I am fortunate in so many ways.

    Next year *we* will *run* the Hannibal Cannibal in our Vomeros!
