Monday, January 23, 2012

A Visit to the Chop Doc

I am going to see Dr. Ohlson on Wednesday to get his professional assessment of my knee. It was more sore today, likely because I ran 10 miles yesterday with 5 miles at MP (marathon pace). It wasn't bad until I did a couple of strengthening routines this morning when/wince it because more sore. Still, thankfully, no sharp pain, just a steady uncomfortable ache.

As I left the office for lunch I felt discomfort nearly as bad as it was last week. I knew the Sunday run and exercises today could increase the soreness if only transitory - but I thought it was the smart thing to do to get a diagnosis as to exactly what I am facing. I recalled Joan Benoit's plica knee surgery, and 17 days later she won the marathon trials back in 1984. In another 3 months she would win the first Olympic women's marathon; I clearly remembered seeing the diminutive but extraordinary young runner on tv who captured a nation's heart.

My injury site is different from Joan's. What I am looking for is NOT to hear I have a tear; I am hoping my many years of running has made me strong enough to avoid this nasty problem. On Wednesday I will find out. If I can overcome this hump I will not run downhills until I am healed, and then only marginally until the race.

I've learned my lesson and hope I don't have to pay for it much longer.

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